Super Premium Herbal Oral Care Powder – 50g
The All-Natural Oral Care Elixir: This product is formulated to completely nourish the oral cavity by employing rare, beneficial wild herbs. Regular usage of this powder facilitates effective nourishment of oral cavity. This natural product is less spicy making it ideal to use for children above 2 years. Stay fresh all day long by using this completely different preparation without fluoride; foaming and anti-caking agents; artificial preservatives, colors and flavors
Uniqueness: 100% GMO-Free, 100% Natural, 100% Vegan & 100% Sattvic – Mixture of 35+ Endemic Herbs adapted to local climate that match with the biological needs of human body exclusively for Total Oral Care
Standards: The herbs are ethically sourced with premium quality; pulverized in small batches; finely sieved and packaged with love in a clean & hygienic environment. Formulated with 100% Active Ingredients (Excipient-Free) for faster and effective action
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Product Details
Formulation: This oral care powder is a unique, less spicy formulation of herbs to help the people of all age groups to maintain proper oral hygiene. The powder strengthens gums and freshens breath effectively from the first use. The speciality of this formulation is that all the herbs employed are completely sattvic in nature and are native to the Indian subcontinent. The complete combination is anti-oxidant rich which increases the efficiency in comforting the oral cavity. The constitution of herbs has been done after a detailed study of research journals relating to ethno-botanical uses of herbs by the tribals living across India. The powder is packed in glass bottles to retain the freshness & potential of herbs
Ingredients: Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), Peepal Tree Bark (Ficus religiosa), Mahua Tree Bark (Madhuca longifolia), Mango Leaves (Mangifera indica), Indian Kino Tree Bark (Pterocarpus marsupium), Chaff-Flower Plant (Achyranthes aspera), True Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), Indian Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus), Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum), East-Indian Globe Thistle (Sphaeranthus indicus), Pala Indigo (Wrightia tinctoria), Indian Mallow (Abutilon indicum), Galangal (Alpinia calcarata), Orange Peel (Citrus sinensis), Kuruver (Coleus vettiveroides), Garlic Pear (Crateva adansonii), Nut Grass Tubers (Cyperus rotundus), Wiry Indigo (Indigofera aspalathoides), Pepper (Piper nigrum), Soapnut (Sapindus trifoliatus), Indian Redwood (Soymida febrifuga), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Chaste-Tree Leaves (Vitex negundo), Indian Birthwort (Aristolochia acuminata), Radhuni (Carum roxburghianum), Veldt Grape (Cissus quadrangularis), Coconut Shell (Cocos nucifera), Madras Pea Pumpkin (Cucumis maderaspatanus), Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon), Malabar Nut (Justicia adhatoda), Prasarini (Merremia tridentata), Banana Peel (Musa acuminata), Indian Leadwort (Plumbago zeylanica), Shaggy Buttonweed (Spermacoce hispida), Arjun Tree Bark (Terminalia arjuna), Many Stamen Horse Purslane (Zaleya decandra)
Suggested Usage: The powder has to be mixed with coconut oil and massaged gently with fingers over the gums for 5 minutes. Then dry powder has to be applied over the tongue for cleansing the palate. The tongue has to be rotated several times in clockwise direction by pressing the palate along with the powder. This facilitates proper cleansing of the palate & tongue to eliminate bad breath. For cleaning the teeth, dry powder has to be coated in tooth brush bristles and has to be properly brushed back and forth in short strokes over the outer surface, inner surface and the chewing surface of teeth. We suggest using soft, washed coconut fiber bristles for brushing. They rank high among the traditional practices followed in rural South India to maintain sparkling white teeth by removing stains & dental plaque quickly. After spitting, wait for 5 minutes before rinsing with water. This allows the herbs to strengthen the gums and to turn the saliva alkaline. Then, the oral cavity has to be rinsed thoroughly for 4-5 times with pure normal water. Usage of this product twice a day along with our herb-infused mouthwash (pulling oil) gives enhanced results
Directions: Store in a cool, dry and safe place. Do not swallow after use
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”